USB-2 | Bitumen Emulsion Production Machine 8.8GPM
The USB-2 bitumen emulsion machine is designed for production of anionic and cationic bitumen emulsions. Bitumen emulsions are used in road construction for tack coating of old road surface before application of asphalt, for production of cold asphalt mix, for surface treatment, to create thin-fllm protective layers, for patch repairs, as well as in Multimac and Slurry Seal technologies. The unit can be operated either indoors or outdoors with adequate overhead protection.
The increased speeds and loads of cargo vehicles on the road present new challenges to reliability and durability of asphalt concrete pavements. New surfaces and designs are being developed to meet these challenges. This catalogue presents GlobeCore equipment designed for production and storage of high quality binding materials: bitumen emulsion and modified bitumen. These materials can be implemented in various technologies of road construction, maintenance and repair.